
Know thyself. Trust thyself. Create Thyself.

6 days • ~2.5 hours/day

Establish the most valuable and sacred connection—the connection to Self


Learn how to connect to your deepest truth and be guided from within


Times of fear and uncertainty offer the richest soil for creative potential. When we are willing to meet ourselves with great presence and acceptance something shifts, something truer reveals and vast resources of energy and wisdom are liberated.

In this retreat, we immerse in a process of inquiry to release fear and confusion, and to access inner guidance for moving forward in deep alignment with what's important and inspiring to your soul.

Through combined techniques of yoga, meditation, and transpersonal coaching, we will immerse into a state of vast resourcefulness and wisdom. It is from this place of deep clarity we inquire: What is really valuable to me? What do I really desire? What is the best response for me at this time?

In this retreat, you'll learn how to:

  • Deeply honor and be with all parts of your human experience

  • Move from a contracted to an expanded state

  • Let go of struggle and exhaustion from over-working, over-thinking and high levels of attachment

  • Question and discover limiting beliefs of self, others and the world

  • Access your higher self, your deepest truth for reliable inner guidance

  • Establish a deeper connection and trust of your inner knowing

  • Consciously create from your higher self using a powerful 5-step meditation

  • Experience more grace and trust in the mystery of life

Retreat curriculum

What we’ll cover



Daily program



20 minutes

Each day we open with an inspiring talk to give context and orientation about the value of each stage of the process we are exploring.



10 minutes

We will take a little time to flush out our thoughts and feelings, without any filtering, about the current issue that is challenging us, to give it space to be heard and felt and honored.


Yoga practice

60 minutes

We will mindfully flow through a gentle, calming and enlivening yoga class to bring the body-mind-heart-spirit into a more cohesive and receptive state


Self-inquiry through guided transpersonal coaching

30 minutes

At the end of each yoga class, once we are grounded and highly receptive, we will dive into a process of self inquiry to reveal the truth that lies beneath the surface.


Creation meditation

15 minutes

Trusting the insight gained from the yoga and self-inquiry, we move into conscious creation with a 5-step meditation technique to bring your highest intention into actualization in its seed form.

What’s included

You will receive:

6 yoga classes

6 yoga philosophy talks

6 guided transpersonal coaching sessions:

  • 3 sessions to move from 'chaotic states' (ie. anxiety, restless, confusion) to a balanced and resourceful state

  • 3 sessions to move from 'contractive states' (ie. anger, depression, tension) to a balanced and resourceful state


Is there anything I need to do or bring to prepare for the retreat?

Yoga mat, pillow or meditation cushion, and either a journal OR a voice recorder* *Note - During the self inquiry process, I will ask a question and give you a couple of minutes to respond. Some people prefer to respond by journaling, others may prefer to speak aloud into a voice recorder.

Are there any pre-requisites for participating in this retreat?

No, all are welcome!

How long do I have access to the retreat?

After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like

Establish the most valuable and sacred connection—the connection to Self